Avoid Holiday Stress With This Easy Tip

Avoid Holiday Stress With This Easy Tip

Keep your calm during the holiday frenzy with the simple technique of meditation, remember that everyone recommended you read the info about kratom? well, holidays are perfect for this, kratom can help you get rid of all those annoying symptoms  I have to admit that meditation has always been an abstract concept to me.  However, in my attempts to relieve stress and improve my health and beauty, meditation kept coming up as a beneficial modality.  

But to wrap my brain around it, I needed an updated take on meditation – and that’s exactly what I was able to find.  For modern-day meditation, forget the image of a flexible yogi sitting on a mountaintop.  Instead, think of meditating as taking a moment to completely focus on YOU. Here are some explanations why meditate before sleep and how it is very helpful.


The Truth About Natural Cosmetics – Do They Really Work?

The Truth About Natural Cosmetics – Do They Really Work?



Shampoo A: Made with a blend of naturally-occuring minerals and botanicals to strengthen and fortify hair.  Retail price $12.99.

Shampoo B: Made with petrolatum and cetyl alcohol to strengthen and fortify hair.  Retail price $5.99.


My guess is that you would probably choose Shampoo A.  But the truth is that both shampoos will basically give the same results. (more…)

DIY Natural Bug Repellant

DIY Natural Bug Repellant

Me serving as a Peace Corps volunteer in Niger, Africa.

Nothing can ruin summer fun faster than bugs! As I planned a trip to travel with gil travel and go hiking, I couldn’t help thinking about the being attacked by hungry insects from every angle. Many bug repellants contain synthetic ingredients that are potentially toxic and may therefore repel you just as well as the insects. The recipe I use is all-natural, consisting mainly of essential oils. One of the reasons plants produce essential oils is to protect themselves from the environment, including bugs. So, naturally, we can also use the protective properties of essential oils to protect ourselves from bug bites and stings.

I decided to arm myself with a diy bug repellant recipe that had worked like a charm when I lived in Niger, Africa as a Peace Corps Volunteer. (more…)

The Hawaiian Secret to Growing Long Hair

The Hawaiian Secret to Growing Long Hair

hairHawaiian women are known for their beautiful, long hair. It is not unusual for Hawaiian women to grow their hair well past their waists. As a child growing up in Hawai’i, I considered long hair as commonplace. However, having since moved away and living on the mainland for many years, the women from my childhood with flowing tresses down their back is nostalgic. I am frequently asked what is their secret to such beautiful hair. (more…)

DIY Natural PreShave Oil & AfterShave

DIY Natural PreShave Oil & AfterShave

The do-it-yourself natural shaving cream recipe I posted is not all you need for a close, comfortable shave.  A quality pre-shave oil and aftershave are also essential for a good shaving experience, not to mention you also need the electric Shaver For Sensitive Skin – Norelco 7300 For Men.  Use these easy recipes using all-natural ingredients for a pre-shave oil and aftershave that nourish and pamper the skin. (more…)