The next time you have a pounding headache or having a sleepless night don’t go to the medicine cabinet for help.  A few deep breaths of an essential oil could make all the difference.  Aromatherapy is an effective natural alternative to alleviate discomfort and give you some relief from various health symptoms.

It may seem far-fetched that your sense of smell can have specific effects on your physical body.  Scents are inhaled and travel across the olfactory nerves stimulating the limbic system which releases endorphins, neurotransmitters, and other chemicals into the body.

At one time or another we’ve all experienced smelling something that triggered a gut reaction; an actual physical sensation.  Scientific studies have found that the reaction of specific essential oils and our body’s chemical compounds can have various effects.  These include pain relieving, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-fungal, diuretic, sedating, and more.

For aromatherapy to be most effective you want to be sure that you are using pure high quality essential oils.  Many candles and fragrant oils are laced with toxic preservatives and other potentially harmful ingredients.  I recommend visiting your local health food store to find a  variety of high quality of essential oils to choose from.  The National Association For Holistic Aromatherapy is a great resource for information on aromatherapy.  I also personally recommend doTERRA Essential Oils.  These oils are therapeutic food-grade and some of the purest on the market.