Healthy Beauty Shopping: 5 Ingredients to Avoid

Healthy Beauty Shopping: 5 Ingredients to Avoid

Green is in! The latest trend within the beauty industry is using natural and environmentally friendly ingredients. More and more so-called natural products are popping up on the shelves. However, what you see is not always what you get.

You have to be a savvy consumer when shopping for healthy beauty products. Some products are labeled with buzz words such as “natural”, “organic”, and “botanical”; more so as a marketing ploy than a claim of its quality.

The best way to determine the quality and purity of your beauty products is to take a look at the ingredients. Here are five ingredients to avoid the next time you’re shopping for healthy beauty products:

1.) Parabens (used as a preservative, mimics estrogen hormone in the body)
2.) Propylene Glycol (used to give a product a silky texture, also used in antifreeze)
3.) Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (used to create foam and suds, can cause skin irritations)
4.) p-Phenylenediamine (used in dyes including some hennas, can cause eczema and rashes)
5.) Artificial Fragrance (synthetic chemicals that can cause rashes, breakouts, and skin discoloration)

Visit the Lilikoi Looks YouTube Channel to find more tips on healthy beauty.

Ms Toi’s Daily Dose of Healthy Beauty

Ms Toi’s Daily Dose of Healthy Beauty

It’s a new year and it’s time to do things in a new way. Ms Toi will help you keep the right mindset to help you achieve your health and beauty goals.

Follow Ms Toi on Twitter and Facebook to get her daily helpful and motivating tips. It is much easier to reach your goals with the right support. Stay connected with Ms Toi to help keep you on track.  Get your daily dose of healthy beauty!



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Cancer and Hair Loss:  The Rapunzel Project

Cancer and Hair Loss: The Rapunzel Project

A glimmer of light in the dark tunnel of cancer has shown for women facing the distress of hair loss as a result of chemotherapy Cold cap therapy has made it possible for women to keep their crown of glory while undergoing chemotherapy.  This therapy has been in use in Europe for fifteen years.  Patients in the U.S. have begun to utilize it just within the last few years.

Cold cap therapy works by using special caps frozen to a very cold temperature and worn for a period of time before, during, and after each chemotherapy treatment.  The cooling of the hair follicles prevents the chemotherapy toxins from reaching them.  This results in preserving the follicles and the patient’s hair.

At the forefront of this cause is a non-profit organization called The Rapunzel Project.   The organization was founded by two women who both had to personally face the fears of breast cancer.  They have been dedicated to helping chemotherapy patients keep their hair.  The organization is working to facilitate the use of cold cap therapy by helping hospitals purchase freezers that make the treatment more manageable for patients.

Click here to see the recent Good Morning America feature on The Rapunzel Project and cold cap therapy.  To learn more about The Rapunzel Project visit their website at .       Also, stay updated on all things related to healthy beauty by subscribing to the Lilikoi Looks YouTube Channel.

Beauty Alert! Shampoo linked to cancer?

New Year, New You, Clean You

New Year, New You, Clean You

Natural Cellular Defense

It’s that time of year when some familiar phrases begin to go through your head…LOSE WEIGHT, EAT HEALTHIER, EXERCISE MORE.  As we look to the start of a new year, it’s only natural to start looking at how we can improve ourselves.

Years of bad habits and poor choices catch up to us as we age.  You suddenly notice yourself squinting to read fine print or your heart racing after climbing a flight of stairs.  It’s a strange realization to see yourself aging.  Thus, in an attempt to stop the madness, we list our proverbial New Years Resolutions.     

From my experience, the best way to stop the madness is to start by cleaning house and getting the best contractors to do the cleaning and remodeling like Palm Beach Roofing Expert.  It’s a known fact that we are exposed to toxins everyday in our environment.  Day by day, the accumulation of these toxins wreak havoc on our bodies.  This commonly results in excess weight gain and illnesses.  Simply eating organically cannot eliminate the side effects of toxic overload, so it’s important to clean your house entirely theres a way to do this, see for yourself here.

Waiora, whose nutritional supplements have been doing my body good for years, offers a product specifically targeted to eliminate toxic overloadNatural Cellular Defense is an all natural product made from a mineral called zeolite.  Natural Cellular Defense binds to toxins and heavy metals that have accumulated in the body and removes them

Start your New Year by taking a toxic load off with Natural Cellular Defense.  Cleaning house will literally allow the New You to shine through.  CLICK HERE to learn more about Waiora’s Natural Cellular Defense Also, remember to check out the Lilikoi Looks YouTube Channel for more healthy beauty tips.  Happy New Year!

Holiday Gift from Urban Decay to Vegans

Holiday Gift from Urban Decay to Vegans

It’s that time of year again and makeup lovers are flocking to their local cosmetic counters for holiday shopping.  The gift ideas can seem endless for the average beauty junkie.  However, the possibilities come to a deadend if you’re shopping for a beauty junkie who also happens to be a veganUrban Decay Cosmetics comes to the rescue with the perfect holiday gift idea.

Urban Decay has introduced a Vegan Palette!  It includes six of Urban Decay’s most popular eyeshadows (Twice Baked, Half baked, Smog, Minx, Urb, and Gunmetal), a travel size eyeliner pencil (24/7 Glide-on Eye Pencil in Zero), and a sample size of Eyeshadow Primer Potion (Sin).  The packaging alone is enough to fill you with holiday cheer; displaying artistic images of butterflies, puppies, and dolphins.  It retails for $34.00 USD.

The Urban Decay Vegan Palette is the perfect holiday gift  for any eco-friendly fashionista.  Go to and purchase it online or find it at your local Sephora or Ulta.  The Vegan Palette is a limited edition item, so don’t miss the chance at this unique gift idea.  CLICK HERE to learn about more healthy beauty products.